Management Ethics Training Course


ASMI512 Management Ethics
Managerial Leadership Best Practices

Course Methods:


Experiential Training, Workshop Method and Real-World Project Work

Course Venue:

Online or in Berne, Switzerland for on-site participation

Course Duration:

10 days (for on-site), and Max. 180 days for online participation

Course Dates:


Course accessible anytime asynchronously for online courses, available upon registration for personalized access

Course Fees: 

CHF 5,500. - for on-site and CHF 2,500. - online


Full in advance

Other Course Options:

Contact us for course topics and duration customization.
Available online for individuals and on-site for group participation

The Advantage:

Training Certificate, Globally Applicable Training Excellence

Course Objectives 

  • Provide 360-degree view of the management leadership function to identify potential management blind spots and improvement areas
  • Review the management leadership framework, best practices, analysis and decision-making models and tools for building high-performance teams
  • Offer experiential analysis of the challenges of directors, managers and their executive teams in leading and transforming their organizations.
  • Focus on leadership development and relationship management
  • Discuss leadership insights from the world's most successful management executives in public and private establishments

Training Focus

  • Develop organizational leadership skills and competencies with emphasis on organizational culture, change management, relationship management, workplace politics, and performance management.

Training Model

  • Real-World Experience and Workshop Learning Model
  • 45% Theory and 25% Workshop, and 30% Experiential Project Work


Course Registration


Public Administration Training Course

ASM511 Public Administration Training Courses

ASMI public administration training courses are customized "action-learning" programs with focus on leadership and organization development.  ASMI's professional administration training programs differs from traditional academic programs in focus, content and delivery.

Course Methods:

Experiential Training, Workshop Method and Real-World Project Work

Course Venue:

Online or in Berne, Switzerland for on-site participation

Course Duration:

10 days (for on-site), and Max. 180 days for online participation

Course Dates:


Course accessible anytime asynchronously for online courses, available upon registration for personalized access

Course Fees: 

CHF 5,500.- on-site and CHF 2,500.- Online


Full in advance

Other Course Options:

Contact us for course topics and duration customization.
Available online for individuals and on-site for group participation

The Advantage:

Training Certificate, Globally Applicable Training Excellence


Training Focus

The public administration training courses are designed for public administrators and civic leaders. The program consists of modular public administration courses developing managerial performance in all of the ten administration functions. The program subjects cover Public and Organizational Leadership, Strategy Formulation Human Resources Administration, Advocacy, Budget Administration, Civic and International Laws, Human Rights, Democracy, Peace Studies, and Socioeconomic Development.

Course Objectives:

The Public Administration training courses are set within the context of contemporary political, social, economic, and administrative environment. The program key objectives include the following:

  • Providing the candidates with a multidisciplinary perspective of the complex environment within which governance occurs, as well as the competencies, values, duties, responsibilities, challenges and problems of public service professionals.
  • Exploring responsive, equitable, effective, efficient, and accountable governance processes, public policies, and institutional-base programs.
  • Providing ideas, strategies and tools to plan, design and manage development and reforms initiatives in relevant sectors


Course Audience

  • Public Administration and Civic Leadership training courses are available only to Governments and NGOs upon request.


Training Model

  • Real-World Experience and Workshop Learning Model
  • 45% Theory and 25% Workshop, and 30% Experiential Project Work


Course Registration


Operations and Logistic Management Course

ASMI509 Operations and Logistics Management

Planning, building and managing enterprise operations


Course Methods:

Experiential Training, Workshop Method and Real-World Project Work


Course Venue:

Online or in Berne, Switzerland for on-site participation


Course Duration:

10 days (for on-site), and Max. 180 days for online participation


Course Dates:


Course accessible anytime asynchronously for online courses, available upon registration for personalized access


Course Fees: 

CHF 5,500.- for on-site and CHF 2,500.- online



Full in advance


Other Course Options:

Contact us for course topics and duration customization.
Available online for individuals and on-site for group participation


The Advantage:

Training Certificate, Globally Applicable Training Excellence




Course - Training Focus:

·         Develop the core operations management skills and competencies. The core competencies include operations knowledge, planning, control, problem-solving and communication.



Course Objectives: 

  • Provides an understanding of operations management framework
  • Offers experiential analysis to understand the challenges of COOs and Operations Managers
  • Provides an understanding of the functions and practices of production and operation managers
  • Training topics include supply chain management, research and development (R&D), manufacturing, project management and quality management
  • Provides insights on how to develop strategies, initiatives, and programs to introduce and sustain competitive operations in organizations
  • Focuses on lean six sigma best practices, tools and models to develop and implement an effective operations management system
  • This course emphasizes operations management decision-making. It does not cover engineering, technical or mathematical topics


Training Model

  • Real-World Experience and Workshop Learning Model
  • 45% Theory and 25% Workshop, and 30% Experiential Project Work


Course Registration


Project Management Training Course

ASMI510 – Project Management Training Courses

Professional. Accelerated. Experiential
Project Management Best Practices


Course Methods:

Experiential Training, Workshop Method and Real-World Project Work

Course Venue:

Online or in Berne, Switzerland for on-site participation

Course Duration:

10 days (for on-site), and Max. 180 days for online participation

Course Dates:


Course accessible anytime asynchronously for online courses, available upon registration for personalized access

Course Fees: 

CHF 5,500.- for on-site and CHF 2,500.- online


Full in advance

Other Course Options:

Contact us for course topics and duration customization.
Available online for individuals and on-site for group participation

The Advantage:

Training Certificate, Globally Applicable Training Excellence



Course Objectives

Provide 360° view of the project management (PM) functions and identify potential management blind spots and improvement areas

Offer experiential analysis through workshop approach to understand the challenges faced by project managers and project management in general

Understand the functions and practices of enterprise project managers

Cover critical project management decision areas such as scope, human resources, cost, quality, time, space, flexibility, capacity and tools deployment

Training Course Focus

  • Develop the core project management skills and competencies. The core competencies include operations knowledge, planning, control, problem-solving and communication.
  • Although the course covers all project management areas, the focus of the course is on the strategic aspects of enterprise-wide or government-wide project management

Training Model

  • Real-World Experience and Workshop Learning Model
  • 45% Theory and 25% Workshop, and 30% Experiential Project Work

Training Course Registration

Marketing Management Training Course

ASMI508 Marketing Management Course
Planning, building and managing markets and customers


Course Methods:

Experiential Training, Workshop Method and Real-World Project Work


Course Venue:

Online or in Berne, Switzerland for on-site participation


Course Duration:

10 days (for on-site), and Max. 180 days for online participation


Course Dates:


Course accessible anytime asynchronously for online courses, available upon registration for personalized access


Course Fees: 

CHF 5,500.- for on-site and CHF 2,500.- online



Full in advance


Other Course Options:

Contact us for course topics and duration customization.
Available online for individuals and on-site for group participation


The Advantage:

Training Certificate, Globally Applicable Training Excellence




Training Focus:

·         Develop the core marketing management skills and competencies. The core competencies include marketing knowledge, planning, control, problem-solving and communication.



Course Objectives

  • Provides an understanding of the marketing management framework of a business organization
  • Offers experiential analysis to understand the challenges of chief marketing officers and marketing managers
  • Focuses on marketing management best practices,tools and models to implement an effective marketing and sales management system
  • Emphasizes planning and executing strategic marketing programs
  • Providesinsights on how to develop marketing strategies, initiatives, and programs to build and sustain a competitive market advantage
  • Provides a practical framework for planning and controlling of marketing communication programs

Training Model

  • Real-World Experience and Workshop Learning Model
  • 45% Theory and 25% Workshop, and 30% Experiential Project Work

Course Registration